24–28 Feb 2025
Europe/Berlin timezone


You can find here the most important informations about the reimbursements, the forms (the invitation, guidelines and the travel expence request form) you can download from the main page.

The forms and details will be sent out to the particiants afer the Spring School as well.


Please be sure, to use the new form, the FSU does not accept the old ones anymore (sorry for the renewal of forms, but it is unfortunately something we don’t have an influence over).

Important points:

You have a maximum of 3 months to send your reimbursement request, after that reimbursement is no longer possible!

• It is important to write your personal addresses (not the University/Institute address).

• Please choose an Invoice number for yourself and write it in the form accordingly.

• Please use the PSP-Element: Z-74-00076-02-1701000

Fill in the “Description of services rendered” (For example: Travel costs to participate in MPSP Spring School, Farchant, 24-28.02.2025)

• Please mark if you are an enterpreneur or not (for most of you it is probably going to be "I am no enterpreneur")

• Please fill in your account details very carefully

I have pre-filled a few of these fields for you, you can correct them (if for example the date is different). Please download the file to your computer and open it from Adobe Pro or Adobe Reader, it does not function in/with browsers!


Please send the signed document together with your invoices and tickets to me to the adrienn.takacs@uni-jena.de email address.


Please be aware, that the processing time of the University is currently long, we can not give an estimate but depending on the workload of the travel expenses department it can be up to 2-3 month.

Because of this please send your Travel Expense Report and all the payment receipts (invoices and train tickets) you want us to reimburse as soon as possible.