Mar 16 – 18, 2023
University Main Building (Universitätshauptgebäude)
Europe/Berlin timezone
This was a splendid conference! Thank you for everybody attending! Video recordings will be available up from Tuesday evening.

Scientific Program

Language and Literacy Acquisition of Adults in the Context of Migration, Multilingualism, and Second Language Learning

Link to the Program (Timetable with Abstracts and Recodings)

Since the foundation of the international LESLLA network (Literacy Education and Second Language Learning for Adults) in 2005, it has been repeatedly stated that there is a strong need for empirical studies on second language acquisition of adult migrants with low literacy skills and that the amount of research devoted to this area is still limited. 

The aim of this conference is to better understand language and literacy acquisition of adult migrants with low literacy skills and to promote scientific exchange and collaboration on this vulnerable learner group. The conference is financially supported by the Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as a part of the ELIKASA project (BMBF grant no. W146500).


For abstracts and recordings please check the time table

Keynote Thursday, March 16

Multilingual Assessment of Basic Literacy in Adult Second Language Learners: 

Word Recognition in L2 German and L1 Arabic 


Speaker: Christine Czinglar | Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany) 

Chair: Natalia Gagarina | Leibniz ZAS Berlin (Germany) 


Keynote Friday, March 17

Construct-Relevant Testing and LESLLA Learners: Measuring L2 Proficiency and Gains

in Populations with Diverging Educational Profiles 


Speakers: Bart Deygers1 & Marieke Vanbuel1,2

 1Ghent University (Belgium), 2KU Leuven (Belgium) 

Chair: Katrin Wisniewski | University of Bamberg (Germany)


Keynote Saturday, March 18

How Functional is “Functional Literacy”? 

The Role of Power, Privilege, and Politics in Shaping Language and Literacy Concepts 


Kristen Perry | University of Kentucky (USA) 

Chair: Karen Schramm | University of Vienna (Austria) 

The Sessions

The Conference's program mirrors two sides of print literacy in its two parallel sessions A and B running from Thursday to Saturday: 

Sessions A: Quantitative Research, Assessment, Technical Literacy, and Precursors of Literacy

Sessions B: Qualitative Research, Language Biographies, Literacy Practices, and Functional Literacy 


Link to the Program (Timetable with Abstracts and Recordings)


Thursday, March 16, 5:30 - 7 pm

Poster Session

Friday, March 17

The poster session will be held in the foyer 1st floor after the lunch break. For registered online participants a poster padlet is provided. Viewers are invited to post questions or comments below the individual posters. Due to the "rush hour" onsite, poster presenters shall answer to your questions and comments in asynchronic manner. Comments are welcome before and after the poster session. Thanks for your feedback!

Round Table Discussion

Saturday, March 18

For a video recording check Saturday on the time table.

Book Table

Continuous. The Waxmann Verlag is providing a book table for all ASLL participants: you are invited to have a look.


Link to the Program (Timetable with Abstracts and Recordings)