Within the MeDaX project we study bioMedical Data eXploration using graph technologies. We design and implement efficient concepts and tools for integration, enrichment, scoring, retrieval, and analysis of biomedical data. Interested in data similarity and quality measures, we initiated an international community project for biomedical provenance standardisation and cooperate within the Medical Informatics Initiative (MII) to FAIRify the MII core data set. Those and other projects build the basis for development of a pipeline for knowledge graph (KG) creation from diverse data sources, for automated semantic enrichment, and for data scoring and analysis. For the MeDaX-KG prototype, we build on existing tools such as CyFHIR (generic conversion of FHIR to Neo4j) and BioCypher (harmonising framework for KG creation) and optimise graph complexity and structure by our own methods and code.