Mit diesem Poster stellen wir das Datenbankherstellerrecht vor. Hierbei handelt es sich nicht, wie man aus dem Blickwinkel eines juristischen Laien und Mitglied der Datenbankforschungsgemeinde meinen könnte, um die Rechte bei der Entwicklung einer Datenbankmanagementsoftware, sondern um die Rechte des Herstellers einer Datenbankinstanz. Auch Forschende oder Forschungsinstitutionen werden beim...
In recent years, the amount of data made available in the earth-observation domain has increased exponentially. In 2022, for example, data released from the observations of eight Sentinel satellites amounted to 6.64 petabytes [2]. Now, researchers all over the world are using these vast amounts of resources to further improve our understanding of the world. In their journey, the researchers...
Recent advances in sequencing technologies have resulted in a deluge of virus sequences, lately consisting mostly of SARS-Cov-2, into the global repositories such as the INSDC[1]:ENA[2] and GISAID[3]. However, many other viruses are under sequenced, and metadata is often lacking which hampers the re-use of the data[4]. As a service and upcoming Use Case of the NFDI4Microbiota consortium[5], we...