10 May 2023
Rosensäle der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Europe/Berlin timezone

Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM) Data Analysis by Inverse Modelling

Not scheduled
Seminarraum (Rosensäle)




Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) provides important information and high-quality images about inter-cellular activity, metabolic state, cellular morphology, etc. [1]. It is a sophisticated imaging approach that relies on the complex curve fitting method by extraction of lifetime parameters. The 'fit-free' deep learning (DL) based lifetime estimation method, which serves as an inverse modelling tool, is the major emphasis of this research. The DL training has been done in two steps: autoencoder and convolutional neural network (CNN). We have carried out our experiments with three datasets to train the autoencoder: (1) noisy data as input and denoised data as output (2) noisy data as input and denoised data as output (without convolution with system response function/IRF) (3) noisy data as input and noisy data as output. After training all, we used the bottleneck features from all three trained autoencoders and used their bottleneck features as input to a CNN to predict lifetime parameters. The last step is the performance analysis of the trained DL model by comparing it with ‘FLIMview’[2].
In this study, we also showed our denoising model stability based on different system response functions/ IRF and noise levels. Here, we can see the model performance is quite stable, which represents by the mean square error (MSE) and it is low for all combinations.

Primary authors

Mou Adhikari (Friedrich schiller university) Prof. Thomas Bocklitz

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